
Monday, May 23, 2011

The Mysteries of Space: Dark Energy

      While scientists today know a lot about our own world, they still don't fully understand the mysteries of space.  Dark energy is a force that makes up approximately 70% of the matter in our universe . . . However, due to it's obscure nature, scientists only know a bit about it.
      If you imagine galaxies as bright baseballs, the Big Bang would have flung them outward billions of years ago.  That is why the universe is expanding.  Now, scientists are faced with another query -- Will this process reverse or just keep going?  In order to figure this out, two teams of astronomers observed the galaxies that were farther out.  The past can be told from distant galaxies.  The farther the galaxies are, the farther you look into the past.  If the more remote galaxies are moving more quickly than the closer ones, then the rate of expansion is already slowing down.  The scientists found that the universe is actually expanding faster than it was before!  Consequently, it can be said that this rate will most probably keep increasing unless a greater force stops it.
      The mysterious source that results in a greatly expanding universe is called dark energy.  Dark energy is an elusive force; scientists don't know much aout it at all.  While its counterpart, dark matter, works to bring all the objects in space together, dark energy works against it.  Dark energy pulls objects apart at a far faster rate than dark matter can repel the force.  This is also due to the fact that there is much less dark matter in the world than there is dark energy.  When we think about dark energy, we don't think about it as too threatening.  It doesn't seem that way, does it?  However, if the expansion of the universe continues as it it is now, many distressing ramifications may come our way.
      Firstly, as the universe expands, the distance between individual planets and other astronomical objects becomes greater.  Thus, it would become even harder for us to reach other places in the wondrous vacuum of space and make life-changing discoveries.  This would prevent findings that could cure diseases or of new types of life on other planets.  Furthermore, and even more disturbingly, dark energy could cause individual cells to separate, which would be extremely detrimental to our livelihood.  Of course, this would happen very slowly, and would take tens of billions of years.  Dark energy would first distance galaxies, then solar systems, and then even separate planets.  Moreover, it could go on to separate the components of a planet such as our own.  Earth could be completely destroyed by dark energy.  Even if we managed to survive Earth's destruction, soon, we would be the ones being taken apart, cell by cell.  Although this is definitely an exaggerated account of what may very well happen if dark energy continues on its path, it defines the way dark energy works.
      The discovery and proof of dark energy in our universe is a major turning point for scientists everywhere.  We can learn a great amount by observing the effects of dark energy and how it can change the way we live.  Once we understand how the universe works, much more can be learned as well.

        I obtained my information from this article in TIME Magazine and a few episodes of Through the Wormhole, a series on the Science Channel.  My first picture came from here.  My second photograph can be found here.

~ Starflower794!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Japan's Realization: Nuclear Energy Is Not So Good After All

        Before the catastrophic events that occurred on March 11th, Japan was well on its way to producing 50% of its energy from nuclear power plants spread around the country.  However, now, after an earthquake caused dangerous predicaments to arise, Japan is realizing that nuclear energy is not the safest solution at all.
A nuclear power plant
        The country had decided to partly rely on nuclear energy in order to meet their pledge of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% of 1990 levels by 2020.  Most of the reduction of these gases was due to switching fossil fuels with nuclear power.  However, as proved by the frightening situation in Japan, nuclear energy is helpful but extremely hazardous.  Radiation is fatal to humans and can alter the code in DNA.  The effects are not pretty, ranging from hair loss to nausea and cancer or more serious sicknesses.  Sadly, only 1% of Japan's energy comes from renewable energy such as solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass.  And just 8% of the electricity comes from hydroelectric power (using water to produce energy).  All the rest of the energy comes from harmful sources such as nuclear and fossil fuels.
        Japan would do well to concentrate on the more beneficial, renewable energy sources.  It would easily be able to obtain the utilities needed to create power from these sources.  Moreover, the risk to humans is definitely less severe than nuclear energy.  The country would be able to save the environment and the many ecosystems in it while providing safe energy alternatives.  Greenhouse gas emissions would certainly decrease even more.  All in all, using renewable energy sources that are helpful towards the environment and safe will ultimately be a good idea for Japan and for the world.  

Some information I used can be found here and here.  My first picture came from here and my second picture came from here.  

~ Starflower794!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Soaring Straws: Oh, the Wonders of Physics

      After studying gravitational potential energy (GPE) and kinetic energy, our science class moved on to discuss the relationship between GPE and elastic potential energy, or EPE.  In order to find this relationship, we participated in the Soaring Straws Lab.  Below you will find an analysis of the lab.
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      The materials of the Soaring Straws Lab consisted of a rocket and a launcher.  The launcher was made out of a toilet paper tube and a rubber band while the rocket was made from straws.  For the experiment, we began to shoot the rocket with a certain amount of stretch (the EPE).  We conducted three trials for each different stretch amount and found the average height for every one.  Additionally, we found the gravitational potential energy.  All of our information was recorded in a data table, which was then used to create a graph showing the relationship between the amount of stretch (or EPE) and GPE.

Amount of Stretch
(Trial 1)
(Trial 2)
(Trial 3)
Average Height
Gravitational Potential Energy
0.35 m.
1.1 m.
2 m.
1.15 m.
22.56 mJ
1.75 m.
1.15 m.
2.75 m.
1.88 m.
36.88 mJ
2 m.
1.05 m.
2.75 m.
1.93 m.
37.86 mJ

      By looking at the graph, one can clearly tell that as the EPE increases, so does the GPE.  As the rubber band is pulled back, the EPE rises, which causes a greater height to be achieved.  The GPE is weight multiplied by height and so the higher the rocket goes, the greater the GPE.  In this way, elastic potential energy has a clear relationship with gravitational potential energy; as the former increases, the latter does the same as well.
      As in all labs, the possibility of errors in data is always present.  The Soaring Straws Lab is no different.  The one main error that may have been made had to do with the rubber band.  The straw rocket was constantly being obstructed by it.  The rubber band was sometimes too loose and got stuck occasionally.  Furthermore, it was difficult to estimate the heights since the rocket was quick and there was no way to mark exactly where the it went.  Although we attempted to record the most accurate measurements in the most ideal conditions, an error may have been made.
      There are several ways in which the Soaring Straws Lab could be changed in order to enhance it.  Firstly, a stronger and slightly thinner rubber band may have produced more accurate results.  Moreover, as estimating the exact height of the rocket was difficult, some other kind of resource could have helped the exaction of our data collection.  If the rulers were not handheld, it would have probably been much easier to see the heights.  The rulers could have been taped somewhere or placed in the hands of a third person, who would solely focus on holding the rulers straight for the other members.  Also, more supplies would mean that each rocket and launcher would be in better condition and easier to use.
      The Soaring Straws Lab was ultimately very beneficial for learning the relationship between gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.  This exciting and intriguing lab made for an interesting learning experience.  In the end, we learned that there is a direct relationship between GPE and EPE; as the GPE increases, so does the EPE.

~ Starflower794!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The following poem was inspired by poems by Douglas Florian!

"A Bit of Genetics"

Four boxes
Sixteen boxes
Sixty four boxes!

Punnett squares,
Big and small,
Will you be short?
Or will you be tall?

Your genes take responsibility
For determining your abilities --
It's all probability!

Dominant genes are always oppressive 
Towards all that's recessive.

Incompletely dominant and the blending is prominent!

Codominance makes all alleles brave,
and mix together with confidence

And so as you can see,
Genetics really isn't so hard;
But if you were an absentee,
You might not want to see your report card.

~ Starflower794!!!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Through the Generations: Toothpick Fish!

        Recently in science class, we were allowed the opportunity to kill fish!  Fake, toothpick fish, that is.  Our class used these fake fish in order to create a microcosm of what would happen to a population of fish throughout their lives starting from a first generation of fish to the fourth generation.  Below you will find an analysis of the lab.

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        The Toothpick Fish Lab consisted of toothpick fish, a plastic cup morgue, and a plastic cup ocean.  In the beginning, all of the fish were in the ocean.  There were green fish, red fish, and orange fish (eight for each).  Allele information and combinations are stated subsequently.     

G = green; dominant
r = red; recessive to green and incompletely dominant to yellow
y = yellow; recessive to green and incompletely dominant to red

GG = green
Gr = green
Gy = green
rr = red
ry = orange
yy = yellow

        Randomly created, here is the first generation of fish:

       From this chart, it is seen that there are many more green fish than red, yellow, or orange ones.  This is because of the fact that the green allele is dominant.  If even one green allele is present, a fish will turn out to be green, no matter what the other allele is.  This proves that if the recessive yellow and red alleles are in a genotype with a green allele, the red or yellow color is blocked by the green.  Accordingly, approximately 58% of the fish were green, 8% were red and yellow each, and 25% were orange.  These results were not surprising; the most fish would have had to be green since the green allele is dominant and so any fish that had one would be green.

        The second generation looked like this: 


        Notice that one row is missing.  This occurred because of the lack of camouflage for the yellow fish in the first generation.  Therefore, all of the yellow fish in that generation (one) died out.  On the contrary, the green fish, red fish, and orange fish were able to camouflage themselves using the lush green environment with seaweed and algae.  As can be imagined, the unfortunate yellow fish could not find anywhere to hide from predators, which resulted in the killing of it.  From this chart, it is seen that 45% of the fish were green, 18% were red, 0% were yellow, and 36% were orange.  Although in this particular case, no yellow fish showed up, this was still possible.  This is because the yellow allele is recessive.  If in the previous generation, a yellow allele was masked by a green one, the fish turned out to be green, but it still had the yellow allele.  Had this fish mated with another fish with a hidden yellow allele, the resulting offspring may have been yellow.  This shows that in some cases, a trait that seemed to be wiped out can appear again if it was recessive.
        Next, the yellow fish are eaten again due to a lack of adequate camouflage.  Since no yellow fish appeared in the second generation, the set-up stays as it is.   

        The third generation is as follows: 

        In this generation, approximately 45% of the fish were green, 18% were red, 9% were yellow, and 27% were orange.  This generation's results were very similar to the second generation as there were the same amount of green fish and red fish.  However, this time, there was one yellow fish and one less orange fish.  As stated before, it was still possible for a yellow fish to appear since the yellow alleles could be hidden behind a dominant green allele.  Unfortunately, the yellow fish was eaten by a predator again.

        Consequently, the fourth generation looked like this:


        The one extra blank row is due to the disappearance of the previously seen yellow in the third generation.  In this generation, 80% of the fish were green, 0% were red, 10% were yellow, and 10% were orange.  This was a rather large change between all the other generations.  There was almost a 40% change from the third generation to this one for the number of green fish.  On the other hand, there were no red fish, an equal amount of yellow, and two less orange fish.  

        Next, the fourth generation of fish is struck by an environmental disaster.  A nearby factory had dumped a large amount of harmful waste.  The previously abundant seaweed and algae are reduced greatly.  This catastrophic event for oceanic organisms result in terrible ramifications for the green fish.  Since the seaweed and algae are now longer in place, rocks and sand that are good camouflage for red, yellow, and orange fish are exposed.  Instead of the yellow fish being killed easily, it is now the green fish who are popular prey.  However, there is a large difference between the killings of the yellow fish and the green fish.  Only two yellow fish were eaten while eight green fish were eaten.  The large difference between the amounts is because of the simple fact that green alleles are dominant.  If even one green allele was present in a fish, that fish would definitely have died because it would be green.  This means that no more green alleles would be present in any of the remaining fish.  On the other hand, due to the fact that the yellow allele is recessive, only a small amount of yellow fish would die because to have a recessive trait, an organism needs to be homozygous recessive (in this case, yy).  These two killings are perfect examples of natural selection -- only the best alleles for the environment are passed on while other, unhelpful ones disappear eventually.  Because of the disappearance of the green fish, the only survivors were the red, yellow, and orange fish.  There were zero red fish, one yellow fish, two orange fish.  The population had decreased by nine fish from the first generation because of all the changes in the surrounding ecosystem.  
        Although the Toothpick Fish Lab showed only one example of what could happen within a population of fish in an ocean, there are still many other ways an ecosystem could go.  For example, if the environment that the fish live in was turned into a popular boat destination and humans carelessly dropped litter into the ocean, many fish could die.  Fish who were looking for an effective place to camouflage (whether it be green, yellow, red, or orange) may mistakenly think that the garbage is a good hiding spot and end up being choked or trapped in the litter.  Another example is if the lab included another type of color of fish, such as white, which could be recessive to green and co-dominant to red and yellow, the results of the lab may be entirely different.  If there were eight white toothpick fish in addition to the others, those fish could be paired with green to create green fish or paired with red or yellow fish to create red and white fish or yellow and white fish.
        As proven from participating in this extremely enlightening lab, many events and basic information contribute to the quality of life, the surrounding environment, and overall population of every and any organism.  These items range from the basic ideas of recessive, dominant, co-dominant, and incompletely dominant alleles to predation and environmental disasters such as the release of harmful factory waste.  One population depends on a multiplicity of variables and this holds true for every, single population that exists in this world.  The Toothpick Fish Lab was an eye-opening lab that displayed how a population changes with its environment. 

        The picture I used came from here

~ Starflower794!!!